What my clients say

“The programme is so easy to fit into your life. I have been able to run and do exercises I wasn’t able to do 6 months ago. The programme has got me pain free and shown me I have the solutions in my body to reach my goals” .

The Fitness Physio Method

— Antonia followed the 6 week The Fitness Physio Method

“I've worked with Yasmin both personally, as a client, and professionally as she provides evidence-based articles on common physiotherapy topics for our membership community at The Food Medic. She is incredibly professional, knowledgeable and approachable and has been saving grace to help me troubleshoot running niggles that have popped up during marathon training.” 

Dr Hazel Wallace

“The sessions have been amazing, I have had regular check ins and a progressive rehab plan. Online sessions have been so helpful for me it was easy to assess my feet and convenient for me to do the sessions from home. I work as a lawyer in the city so I do not have lots of time. The video plans were helpful. I have seen improvements in my foot and It gives me confidence that we are working on longer term longevity rather than a quick fix. ”

Emily - Online Physio Sessions

Leila- The Fitness Physio Method
“The fitness physio method has helped provide a framework to support me as I embark on my marathon training. As someone who was getting injured frequently when I started running, Yasmin helped me identify what exactly was stopping me from progressing my training through the fitness physio method. I find gym programmes daunting but The FPM personalised strength and nutrition plans were approachable, effective and fun.  I’ve finished the programme stronger, more confident and injury free as I continue to up my mileage.” 

Evelin - The Fitness Physio Method

“I felt in love and connected with the approach you were using. I have been feeling so amazing. You have assessed every single bit of my body, injury and lifestyle. You were thoughtful and understanding. It is a whole mindset change, its about nourishing body and mind. ”